
Showing posts from 2015

precious things

With no intention of having a reflection moment, a song I heard and a glance at our baby boy, Eli's little knitted jumper that lies empty in a frame on our window ledge has left me contemplating his little life. Grief is such a puzzling emotion to grapple with when you have hope. I feel if I grieve for things that seem lost I come full circle to embracing with a grateful heart the life that has come as a result of what has left us. Tears come every now and then as memories and emotions get the better of me, a little heart that barely beat in this world yet left such an imprint on ours, a little person taking up no more space than a shoebox, taking up huge space in our hearts and our family. So as I wait for the cries of our precious boy who is about to wake up, thinking about the cries I never heard from his older brother, it is bitter-sweet. I guess it is all too true that He takes our mourning and gives us joy. Memories ever etched in our heart as we journey on in life. Knowi

Virus',fossils and fostercare

Well the beauty of my life is that there is never a dull moment. There is no 'normal', no down-time and no two days the same (just the way I like it). Unfortunately this week has been a bit of a right off. The dreaded vomitting bug has hit hard and fast and had us one at a time out for the count as we played some sort of a terrible relay game with the virus. Poor Abby starting us off on Tuesday and then it gradually made it's way through the family (the WHOLE family, extended and all). Bit of a downer as it was the last week of school holidays but Abby seems to have enjoyed her time off having been able to squeeze in a few play-dates with friends, a re-watch of the Cinderella movie (which has become a personal favourite of mine, just too sweet), a trip to the zoo (featuring some up-close and personal time with the giraffes which was impressive) and a play at an indoor playground. Today we had a little family adventure to the City and made our way through the Museum. It

Aaaaand so it starts

This week was a big week in the de Wit family. Our eldest child started school at a very grown up five and a half. It was slightly emotional for me, more so the night before as I got all her uniform and lunch ready. I was emotional because I had prayed and prayed about the reality of sending Abby to the private Christian school we'd chosen and at the time I prayed, it was an impossibility. However, here we were two year's later and God had miraculously made a way for our baby to go to the school we wanted , how incredible. And admittedly I was slightly emotional because I had only just found  out school started the next morning and not the following day which I had in my head, for some reason. The perfect, organised part of my brain went into overdrive at the thought of Abbys first day of school being ruined by a panicky morning where we didn't have everything we needed to get her off to school. It was almost comical but we made it. She woke up early and I explained that sh

Making it count

Some people use having kids as an excuse not to accomplish anything else... I really don't want to be one of those people. Yes, with kids (babies particularly) there are seasons of slower progress in terms of fulfilling goals, but there is definitely always room for dreaming and achieving. Which is why I sat down and made some goals for 2015! Yay me! Or was it just an excuse to treat myself to a vanilla latte and a delicious custard filled donut from the French bakery while the kids were at kindy today... did I just admit that out loud?? Ok, ok, I took myself for coffee and thought I better make a 'reason' for spoiling myself, so I came up with some goals for the year which was pretty tough with little Jed cooing and smiling at me from his comfy seat across the table, he is almost as edible as the custard donut! Ok so my thinking is, if I write this down and publish it... I'll have to do it! So here goes, here are my goals for this year... 1. start getting up at 5

Saying goodbye

Today we said goodbye to my Uncle, Stephen. He passed away after a week of being in hospital, in a lot of pain. I haven't seen him for years and a part from the odd conversation when he picked up the phone when I rang my gran, I didn't have much contact with him. But family is family and he has always been a part of our lives, having lived at gran's all his life.  He was a hairdresser, and a good one! He would cut our hair as Christmas or birthday present's or when we visited South Africa. Growing up he was always just around, more recently he played a big role in gran's life, for which I am grateful, seeing as we can't be there for her. I'll never forget when I was younger, Racquel (my sister) had a wiggly tooth. She was sitting on the couch next to Stephen who was eating his roast dinner. Somehow she wiggled and pulled her tooth so hard it fell out and when she jumped up to show gran, it accidentally fell into Stephens rice! He was watching TV and d

Toilet matters and other antics

Yes... the all imortant subject of poo. My life is full of it at the moment, I joked with my husband recently but half seriously, that my life is now reduced to poo - and lots of it! With one child who still enlists my help at this all important time of day, one who is toilet training and for some reason finds it acceptable to do his number two's in a range of outdoor places, including but not exclusively limited to, the garage and the kindy next door...and then my little poppet who of course fills his nappy often and sometimes outside of his nappy in what we like to call, 'explosions'. I find it hilarious that this once gross, sometimes taboo subject is now openly discussed with like-minded mums who feel the need to share on this topic over a good cup of coffee or when some unsuspecting person asks how your day has been...actually this information will be told to anyone who will listen. The truth is, there are many dirty jobs in everyday life of raising 3 little people.