Saying goodbye

Today we said goodbye to my Uncle, Stephen. He passed away after a week of being in hospital, in a lot of pain. I haven't seen him for years and a part from the odd conversation when he picked up the phone when I rang my gran, I didn't have much contact with him. But family is family and he has always been a part of our lives, having lived at gran's all his life. 

He was a hairdresser, and a good one! He would cut our hair as Christmas or birthday present's or when we visited South Africa. Growing up he was always just around, more recently he played a big role in gran's life, for which I am grateful, seeing as we can't be there for her.

I'll never forget when I was younger, Racquel (my sister) had a wiggly tooth. She was sitting on the couch next to Stephen who was eating his roast dinner. Somehow she wiggled and pulled her tooth so hard it fell out and when she jumped up to show gran, it accidentally fell into Stephens rice! He was watching TV and didn't believe Racquel when she told him. She quickly called gran who poked her way through Stephens rice until she found it, he kept on eating the whole time. just kept on watching his show. It was quite funny.

I can't quite believe he is gone. He was a very gaurded soul, always joking around and quick with a witty comment when you were trying to have a deep conversation. 

It always takes life-altering moments like death to make you evaluate life and relationships with loved ones. It's hard to process loss for someone you never got to know well enough but who was part of your past, your life and your family. I just thank God that although he lived a life far from God, he was able to make a commitment to God in his last few days. 

Rest in peace Stephen, thankfully we will see you again, and what an awesome day that will be :)


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