What? There's more than just us?!

I find it ironic that the post in succession of the one about how I'm sorry I never blog anymore, is around 4 months later! I won't even try and make excuses this time. Yes life IS busy, but I like busy, I don't think it's a bad thing unless of course you don't manage your time very well. I like to think I do ok, it's just sometimes things like Facebook and Trademe accounts don't help very much.

The reason for this post is to let off some steam, even if no-one even reads this, it's just theraputic somehow... I recently watched a show and then a sequel to that show, about some rich and famous English footballers wives. The typical set-up for a reality TV show; they leave their families, nannies, cooks and fancy lifestyle to experience poverty first hand. It just so happened that the place they went to was in Cape Town (where I'm from), a mere 20 minutes from where we hung out. It is so sad looking back now, we all knew there were poor people and some of us even did things like gave money to underpriveleged people, but living with poverty and crime on your doorstep means you grow almost oblivious to the problem. It is appauling to admit because even I am guilty of it to a certain extent. But it is reminders like the show we watched, that shook me up a bit about what I'm actually doing.

I'm not so naive that I believe I need to change the whole world on my own. But it is possible to change someone's world. Just start with one person. After seeing these women absolutely broken over children who live in overcrowded homes with carers who work around the clock to look after them because their parents are either sick or already dead as a result of HIV and AIDS. One little boy was brought to the 'centre' by Police who found him in the forrest after his dad had raped his sister and killed his mom...he was Abigail's age and o the horrors his little eyes had seen in his short life.

After watching it I am even more set on adopting and Gav, who has never been particularly keen on the idea, is now even talking about it. It's just too easy to get comfortable in a nice 1st world nation where a 'hard day' is the embarrassment of your eftpos card declining over a coffee because the pay hasn't gone through, or the baby stressing you out a bit. How small our world's can become. My dream of opening a home one day has been rekindled. Not just a home for gav and I and our kids, but kids who we will be able to love and most importantly, give the hope of the Gospel to.

O what a better place the world would be if we truly cared about people.

Here's the first of many little people who will one day make up a bigger and more wonderful family than we ever initially imagined!


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