Not far from home...

Not even a month ago, around 200 excited young people crammed into a campsite in Ngaruwahia and left there knowing who they are in God, having a total 'identity make-over' . It saddens me to watch the news tonight and see that just around the corner from where we had camp, a little girl, not even 7 months old, has has her life taken away from her so prematurely.

It is not so much the story, as sad as it is, that makes me cringe because we all know there will always be sick, troubled people who do this kind of things to helpless little kids. What saddens me more are the many who are keeping silent; the total disregard of a life. A woman in the community who spoke up was subject to vandilism, a spraypainted fence with words about her being 'a naak', reflecting the totally skewed view of some very deceived people. How sad it is that with no one speaking up about what happened, the mother, step-dad and an uncle who all lived in the house with the little girl aren't being held accountable for what happened behind those walls.

Call me extreme but if it were up to me, I would have them all locked up! I'm sure after a few years in prison one of them would feel 'inspired' to let the police know what really happened and maybe then justice will be done on behalf of a little girl who never even got to live out one year on this earth.


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