Toilet matters and other antics

Yes... the all imortant subject of poo. My life is full of it at the moment, I joked with my husband recently but half seriously, that my life is now reduced to poo - and lots of it! With one child who still enlists my help at this all important time of day, one who is toilet training and for some reason finds it acceptable to do his number two's in a range of outdoor places, including but not exclusively limited to, the garage and the kindy next door...and then my little poppet who of course fills his nappy often and sometimes outside of his nappy in what we like to call, 'explosions'. I find it hilarious that this once gross, sometimes taboo subject is now openly discussed with like-minded mums who feel the need to share on this topic over a good cup of coffee or when some unsuspecting person asks how your day has been...actually this information will be told to anyone who will listen.

The truth is, there are many dirty jobs in everyday life of raising 3 little people. From poos to cracked eggs all over the floor, to the delightful conconctions of mud and leaves that for some reason, my children think need to be mixed up in the carpeted lounge... words that describe not only my house but my job list each day would be messy and dirty, to say the least.

I was just thinking the other day about how thankless the job of being a parent is, especially for the first 18 years of a child's life. Everything you make them do is seen as you being 'mean', which by the way I get called a LOT by Miss 5 and now most recently Master 2 and a half, much to my dismay. Being mean to my kids includes not allowing lollies in the morning before breakfast, for some reason this is highly unreasonable, making the kids shower or bath every night when in fact 'the neighbours don't have to shower everyday'... the list is endless, all the while trying to maintain morale in a home where you can feel like you're failing multiple times a day.

Don't get me wrong, this is not a griping session, I LOVE being a mum and wouldn't trade this life for anything! And that is just the point I'm trying to make. Despite and in spite of all the dirty jobs of being a mum, in amidst all the poos you have to scrub off the carpets, all the while being yelled at for being mean when you're doing what's best for them; is an underlying love for these little humans that surpasses any love you thought you'd be able to feel. When you first hold your little baby in your arms you can never imagine the little angel throwing tantrums and without meaning to, will mentally take note of all the bad, unacceptable behaviour we see other parents dealing with and declare silently to ourselves that our children will NEVER
do that, when in fact they most likely will. O the joys of parenthood. No other 'job' on earth teaches you more patience, more self-control, more humility and mostly more about yourself.

Although this is the most important job in the world and should in no way be taken lightly, I definitely think we shouldn't take ourselves too seriously. Sometimes I just sit amidst the chaos of tantrums and a messy house, on those morning where you can't get out the door and laugh. It pays to remember that one day every bad incident and every one of your 'worst day ever's' with your kids will be funny anecdotes and stories you tell at family dinners and 21st parties.

So I am determined to laugh more, have more fun and in no way compromise on discipline for the things that matter. A hard but worth-while balance to try maintain, especially when you're from control/perfect country like me! This year my motto I mutter under my breath, "this is not too hard", will continue to resound inside me as I believe that I am armed for every situation with each little person, with everything I need to deal with it, no matter how inadequite I feel at times. And with that knowledge I can rest easy, knowing that although there is a lot of 'poo' to clean up along the way, the journey can still be fun and memorable, but it's my choice.

Having said all that, Jed needs his nappy changed...


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