Making it count

Some people use having kids as an excuse not to accomplish anything else... I really don't want to be one of those people. Yes, with kids (babies particularly) there are seasons of slower progress in terms of fulfilling goals, but there is definitely always room for dreaming and achieving. Which is why I sat down and made some goals for 2015! Yay me! Or was it just an excuse to treat myself to a vanilla latte and a delicious custard filled donut from the French bakery while the kids were at kindy today... did I just admit that out loud?? Ok, ok, I took myself for coffee and thought I better make a 'reason' for spoiling myself, so I came up with some goals for the year which was pretty tough with little Jed cooing and smiling at me from his comfy seat across the table, he is almost as edible as the custard donut!

Ok so my thinking is, if I write this down and publish it... I'll have to do it! So here goes, here are my goals for this year...

1. start getting up at 5.30am again to do devotions. At the moment I get up with the kids at around 6/6.30 and do it then but in between calls to fluff pillows while they watch their T programme and sort out the sibling who is poking the other one, I think it's time to start early again like I used to!

2. do proper devotions with the kids in the morning. I think school will bring a nice routine to morning's which haven't always been super structured in our house... lets just say none of us are morning people...well except Jed, he always wakes up smiling! The kids Bible time consists of Youtube Bible stories while they eat their breakfast then a short chat about what they learnt from it when they finish. Not ideal but I'm allowing myself some grace with busy morning's trying to get myself and 3 kids ready. At least they getting some Bible in there right? Then at night we do our Bible reading.

3. start an online business. Ok so I'm not giving anything away just yet, but I have an idea in the beginning stages of being launched. I'll be sure to post up when I'm organised and ready to start! This is just something I've always wanted to do, starting a business, so I thought, why not 2015? Wish me luck!

4. write a book. I understand writing a book takes a long time from concept to completion, so I don't think I'll have a book on the shelf by the end of the year but I want one at least written. I have a concept I'm working on now (also soon to be revealed) but I want to make sure I actually finish this one and not leave it half written like all my other books I've started and not seen through to the end!

5. Start dance classes. With brothers who are gym fanatics and a mum who is all out into her boxing classes, my sister-in-law, Julz has just started too and the pressure is mounting! I have to do something! I'm not pregnant anymore, so no more excuses...bummer. I really hate the I don't go, and I hate running, so I don't. Not very good excuses, but I can do something I love and that is dancing so whether I start my own like I used to run, or join some classes, that must happen this year. Or I'm afraid the donut dates will have to end...and that can't happen!

6.overseas holiday. In amidst the school fees and the rent payments (which will increase when we move fairly soon), I really, really want us to take a holiday somewhere. Dreaming about South Africa, lets see what we can do there to make that a reality.

7. move to a bigger house. Our little house has served us well over the past 2 years! It is right close to church, the kids kindy and now Abby's school. A real answer to prayer when we moved from our old place. In a few months we will move to a bigger home, still close to everything but with more space for the kids...and our books, we have a lot of books!

There are a few more things on my list, things to do with the youth ministry we're involved with and other things like that. I just love dreaming about what could be. The problem with being 'busy' is it is so easy to fall into the new year without setting any expectations for yourself, without extending your level of anticipation for anything more. A few year's back our 'motto' for the year was, "don't occupy the same space as last year" and that is definitely worth revisiting. I want to be able to look back on 2015 and be able to tick off a list of things I've stepped out and accomplished. Not for a pat on the back for myself, but so I can keep growing. When you stop trying new things, you stop learning. When you stop learning, you stop growing. And I never want to stop growing!

Here's to a productive, exciting year full of adventures! Enjoys yours!


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