life lessons from the little one

It never ceases to amaze me how much a person can learn from someone so small. Someone who's whole existence in this big, wide world can only be measured in months. On a daily basis I am caught off-gaurd at the simpleness (is that even a word?), of a babies life and yet how much they accomplish and change in the life of those whose life is intertwined with their's.

As I walk backwards and forwards, from my comfortable seated position at the laptop, to the kicking, squealing little bundle on the couch at mums house, I am constantly tempted to pick her up and let her play just a little bit longer. With four months of practise, I am still surprised she hasn't learnt the art of keeping her own dummy in. This means myself or Gavin are creatively finsing ways of propping it up to hold it in, or, on days like this, jumping up and down every few minutes to put the stubborn soother back where it belongs so that Missy can get some sleep. It is these times when Abigail is tired but not quite ready to close her eyes, when she will catch my eye as I pop her dummy in. Wrapped up, the only was she will sleep, like a sausage roll with a chubby, smiling little face poking out the one end and flailing legs, mainly her left leg which kicks constantly.

She will finally drift off to sleep and is left to tyre herself out, which is what she is doing as I type. Although I am absolutely longing for the day she will hold a dummy in herself, I can't say I mind the priceless moments where she smiles her massive, toothless grin each time I tend to her (trying to be strict and let her know this is NOT time for fun and games), but each time coming away with my heart just a little bit warmed by the little bundle of joy that will hopefully soon be sleeping.


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