As good a place as any to start...

I've decided against any logic, to add 'blogging' to my list of internet fads along with Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Bebo. The thought of sharing your thoughts and opinions online rather than tending a virtual farm or throwing virtual sheep at people you haven't spoken to in years, seems somewhat more appealing.

I guess this blog will serve a number of functions. I can now vent publicly and not just in a journal that gathers dust on a shelf at home, I can share my thoughts and instead of placidly dwell in my own opinions, be challenged by what others think. Mostly though, I am looking forward to making a record of the in's and outs of life as we know it in the de Wit household which has recently started and even more recently grown by one very small yet very demanding little person.

Life so far has taken some drastic turns and twists and I can only imagine what the future holds. However, life is more than a series of big events such as immigrating or getting married or having a baby. Rather the interesting bits are the bits inbetween, the journey that links each event and that ultimately sets our course for where we choose to head in life.

So with no further ado, I will start this blog (such a funny name, sounding more like a sound effect than a name for a piece of writing I think), and hopefully fill this page with something worthwhile to read and ponder and perhaps even learn from.

Until next time...


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