Introducing... Noah Samuel Matthew de Wit

Well there certainly has been enough going on to write for hours tonight. In short, on Friday 30th March, 2012 we welcomed our baby boy into our family and into the world. What a cutie he is (as every parent thinks, of course). He is such a gentle soul, even his cry is soft, not that he has done much of that aside from the odd bottom change that goes a bit too long for his liking.
So we now have a family of 4! Abigail is of course besotted with her baby brother and to my delight is so gentle and 'big' with how she interacts with him. She kisses his head, stroked his hands and of course tells off anyone who may touch his head which she knows has a 'soft spot that gets owie'.
I am very pleased that little Noah didn't take as long as his sister, only being three days overdue unlike Abby's 2 week wait. Unfortunately for mostly me, he had to come out rather quickly after what I thought was a longish labour of trying to do things naturally. Suddenly and with no explanation little Noah's heart started dipping and we were left with no choice but to get him out with a ceasarian. So aside from not meeting my baby boy for 2 hours after surgery (basically missing his birth - touchy subject...) and not being able to drive for 4 weeks, I cannot complain because what could have turned into a horrible situation has turned out miraculously with Noah being absolutely fine and healthy. All praise to God for his hand on the sitiation. I was intent on being at home for the very longest time possible before delivering and ended up feeling an urgency to just get to the hospital. It was there that within an hour we were rushed to surgery to get him out. My mind wonders to the alternative scenarios that oucld have played out had I stayed at home longer... then I stop myself and thank God for His sovereignty and Almighty plan for this little boy's life that He has all planned out already.
So needless to say, I am extatic that we are finally home, I have had hardly any pain which I thank God for and I have wonderful family who are making sure Abigail is well taken care of and not locked up at home every day with a mum who can't drive anywhere. It is just the beginning of our family getting just a little bit bigger and I'm loving it already. Looking forward to many more posts of the journeys and adventures we all have together.
Thank you Lord for life!


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