Update on life

2010 is off to a fast start! It seems to have only just begun and already we are flipping over our wall calendar to February. It makes me sad that time is just flying with Abigail growing and changing daily, and time seems fleeting when I consider all the things I want to do. Lists like take more time to explore places with Abby, make hand and feet prints of those constantly growing parts, continue to write in detail in her memory book as well as do all the other things 'well' like being a good wife and employee.

I'm finding this stage of Abigail's development slightly challenging as she is developing quite the temper yet even so, still so adorable and funny. I'm worried that what is 'cute' now in the initial stages, won't be so delightful in as soon as a few months time. I'm finding myself having to be a lot firmer with her when she 'shouts' at me, and will do my best to make sure she develops other ways of expressing frustration and anger. I thought this might be the type of content in a post closer to her 2nd birthday as she reaches those 'terrible two's ' but in reality, a little personality is fast coming to the surface, masked by that gorgeously cute little smile that I'm greeted with when I sternly say 'no', which makes good, consistent parenting hard even at this young age.

I'm sure parents of older children are chuckling to themselves round about now as they're sure I'm only just in the beginning stages of all this. But is pays to start thinking about ways to bring your child up with a consistency of standards of what is and is not acceptable, that begin from a very young age.

On a lighter note, life is good. Gavin is now 21, we have just celebrated out first wedding anniversary and Gavin is nearly on a bit of a holiday after Summer School. Plans for 2010 will include, at this stage, helping at church a few hours a week, teaching a dance class to littlies and taking care of a friend's baby from home two days a week so to be able to 'do something' but still stay home with Abby which is so important to me.

I can't help but feel excited at the start of a new year. that kind of 'silly' excitement that you feel when you're at school and have a back-pack full of new stationery and fresh new books with empty pages. Bring it on!


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