2012 so far

Well there was a lot of talk about 2012 being the end of the world. It is most certainly not the end but rather the beginning of many new things in our life. Baby #2 is growing nicely and very welcome to make an appearance at any time now... seriously, anytime... And Gav has started a new job which add's to the list of changes in our home. Poor guy, up before me and Abby for that matter (and she get up early) to catch a bus into the City. He quite likes the time before work to read and relax on the bus, good on him, taking one for the team ;)
I am happy to announce that after organising the annual Youth Camp at church, I am officially finished work. My days are now solely devoted to spending time with my darling little angel Abby and doing things at home that have been neglected for way too long (amazing just how much there is to do in our tiny little house). Momentus achievements in the de Wit house recently have included a big throw out or clean-out rather, of all our clothes. Abigail seems to be needing me to do this every few months at the rate she is growing. I can also proudly say that aside from the expected 'accidents' every now and then, Miss de Wit is now out of nappies during the day (victory dance!!!). I have resolved to start baby#2 with potty training a lot earlier than I did with Abigail, not sure why I left it so long...
I guess I should have started with the cliche' line about how life has been so busy and I really should have writtten sooner... life has been busy but not in a bad way. Younger sister got married...

Summer outreach programme, oops and Christmas before that... and then the Youth Camp which I am finally finished with. I am now sitting with actual, real free time tonight! Gavin surprised me with a night away, well not far away, just in the City, but it's not home and that's what counts. When I'm at home I constantly have to be busy. Thankfully my thoughtful husband knows this and decided it would be nice to get some rest and spend

some time together before baby comes. So right now he is reading and I'm writing - something we don't get to do at home a lot. Hoping my body-clock shuts down and allows me to sleep later than 7am tomorrow morning. the frustration of my life! It seems I have somehow deleted the 'sleep-in' programme in by system...(sigh)... I am somehow alert and wide-awake way too early for anyone to have to be with no good reason. Lets hope tomorrow is better.
I am not sure whether I'll have time to write agian before baby comes. Praying that soon I'll be posting pictures of our healthy, happy new addition to our family. Exciting times ahead :)


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