
Showing posts from December, 2009

life lessons from the little one

It never ceases to amaze me how much a person can learn from someone so small. Someone who's whole existence in this big, wide world can only be measured in months. On a daily basis I am caught off-gaurd at the simpleness (is that even a word?), of a babies life and yet how much they accomplish and change in the life of those whose life is intertwined with their's. As I walk backwards and forwards, from my comfortable seated position at the laptop, to the kicking, squealing little bundle on the couch at mums house, I am constantly tempted to pick her up and let her play just a little bit longer. With four months of practise, I am still surprised she hasn't learnt the art of keeping her own dummy in. This means myself or Gavin are creatively finsing ways of propping it up to hold it in, or, on days like this, jumping up and down every few minutes to put the stubborn soother back where it belongs so that Missy can get some sleep. It is these times when Abigail is tired but no

Abigail meet the world!

One of the most life-changing events of my twenty one years of life, would have to be the birth of Abigail Olivia. I know everyone tells you how much life is turned upside down by those small packages, but I don't think anyone ever really comprehends the extensive advice from family and mostly utter strangers. Many people asked whether I found it strange or 'weird' having a baby after Abigail was born, but God really is clever in giving us 9 montsh to get used to the idea. The long 42 week build-up was brought to an end early Saturday morning on 8 August 2009. As soon as we passed the 40 week due date, our jokes about Abby arriving on the biggest day of Gavin's rugby career this year became actual concerns, well for him anyway. At 41 weeks we went for our last scan which revealed nothing, only that the baby was healthy, which is all we wanted to know. Unfortunately it was less than telling concerning exactly WHEN this baby would decide to leave the comforts of the insid

Frog in hot water

I know this is only my second post, and perhaps a topic a little heavy for what should be 'light' beginnings. Today I sat with a friend and fellow mother and we voiced out concerns about the society we will be raising our 'little angels' in. Although every mother of a smiling, precious 4 month old is inclind to think her baby won't need any discipline and will turn out an impeccable moral citizen, I know that is just wishful thinking. What do we do when society is telling us to live contradicting the word of God? Truth is, I fully intend to discipline my 'little angel' one day and would like the freedom to gove her a good smack, out of love and where appropriate, if I choose to do so. It is scary to think that I could face charges for doing what good, upstanding members of society have done in successful child rearing for years; me being one of the success stories of one of those cases. I know this is something I am going to have to deal with in the future a

As good a place as any to start...

I've decided against any logic, to add 'blogging' to my list of internet fads along with Facebook , Twitter, Myspace and Bebo . The thought of sharing your thoughts and opinions online rather than tending a virtual farm or throwing virtual sheep at people you haven't spoken to in years, seems somewhat more appealing. I guess this blog will serve a number of functions. I can now vent publicly and not just in a journal that gathers dust on a shelf at home, I can share my thoughts and instead of placidly dwell in my own opinions , be challenged by what others think. Mostly though, I am looking forward to making a record of the in's and outs of life as we know it in the de Wit household which has recently started and even more recently grown by one very small yet very demanding little person. Life so far has taken some drastic turns and twists and I can only imagine what the future holds. However, life is more than a series of big events such as immigrating or g