
Showing posts from July, 2011

I hope my bubble is getting bigger...

I have no real reason for blogging today, except that I am frustrated by a story my aunt told me yesterday and I have run out of people to tell... I have come to the conclusion that we all live in our own little 'bubble worlds', some more than others. Hopefully being Christian, 'Christ-focused' & others-centered, our bubbles are bigger than ourselves. But it is sad when you hear stories of people who have made life more important than other people. It was actually a fairly comical order of events, sort of a comedy of errors which started with my aunty from Hamilton wantint to drop her CV in at a school in an unfamiliar area (Huapai - yup that's right, I'm naming and shaming). To cut a long, stressful drive's story short, the party of 4 (being my aunty who is not familiar with Auckland at all, my elderly grandad who saldy has dementia, my grandmother who tends to worry and is not all that familiar with Auckland either and my little 3 year old cousin who i

Life of late

So yes it has once again been a while since I've made time to blog. I've decided to let that be the case though as it is really an unrealistic expectation of myself to do this any more regularly unfortunately. I am amazed by people who blog every few days or every week, what great discipline...I however will lower my standards for this blog to a less frequent update. Winter has finally arrived. I was hopeful for a while there that we may just skip that bitter cold stage as we had quite a good, warm run for so long! That obviously lends itself to walks and park visits and all the wonderful 'out-doorsy' you can do with little people. I have still tried to do some of that, but havent been quite so successful in dodging inpredictable bursts of rain or remembering a towel when we go to the park, making it very short times out for myself and Abby and we usually resort to a Mc Donalds play area or the inside play park at the mall which in turn means the healthy, outdoors outin