
Showing posts from May, 2019

Hold up!! I'm not ready for this...

So right  now, as it stands, I'm mother to a peaceful,fun, sweet-natured four year old, an adventurous,curious, toothless seven year old and a creative, social, strong-willed and determined nine year old. If you had asked me a few years ago what the hardest part of parenting was, I would have said without a doubt the baby and to ddler years. The years where the never-ending workload of real life crash-collides with bringing little people into the world. Sleepless nights, keeping toddlers who have an affinity for dangerous activities, alive (!!!), keeping new babies who live with dangerous toddlers, alive(!!!!!) and of course keeping your sleep-deprived, baby-brained, overworked self alive in the process. Having kids is the most amazing, gut-wrenchingly hard, rewarding, (did I mention) A-mazing experience EVER! It is a 'job' never done, a calling never finished and a journey never ending. You evolve as a person, learn how little you actually ever knew and have your strength