
Showing posts from November, 2018

Connection Central

I’ve been thinking a lot about connection lately. Maybe it’s because this was provoked by a cool second-hand book my dad bought me “1001 Ways to Connct with your Kids” by James R. Lucas. Maybe it’s because my love language is time and I am always scheming ways to connect with my little people in meaningful ways. Life is so busy, we jam-pack it so full of things that are in the end, meaningless… well in the grand scheme of eternity, if you know what I mean. This book has been a really great tool! And some of you may have followed my Insta-stories over the past 2 weeks as I’ve tried a few of the ideas in the book. I don’t know about you, but I LOVE learning. I love watching, observing, trialling, improving, just gaining new tools to do what I do, better! Parenting I’ve found, is the most humbling journey. We find out pretty much from day 1 that our ideas, philosophies and ideologies were at best idealistic. Our set-in-concrete ideas of what kind of a parent we would be and how our