
Showing posts from October, 2017

Updates and deep thoughts

The past few weeks have been a bit full on to say the least. A virus plagued our home, playing tag with the kids which made for those endless days at home that sort of blur into each other. The weather was also particularly wet and dreary last week which added to  the cabin fever. I wrote a whole blog post, a really deep one and then lost the whole thing because I wasn't connected to the internet. An hour of writing. Lost.... frustration much? We have some lovely boys from Hong King staying with us too which has added to the business but we have all enjoyed having them. I love that at dinner time our family has a full table and that the kids learn from people from around the world. Right now we have a border, a Chinese homestay uni student and 2 boys from Hong Kong. It's one FULL house! One of my precious moments this week was gardening with the kids. It started off as just planting the small plants we got free with our New World groceries. Then it culminated in a more ambitiou

Road trip time!

There is nothing I love more than a good road trip. Yes, the nature of what that is changes somewhat when you have kids...the length involved definitely makes a huge difference in the 'enjoyability' of the trip and what once was a car ride of long conversations and getting into a good book while you sit in happy silence now becomes being an innovative peace-maker between three kids who all want the same toy at the same time as well as feeling like Siri when you're asked a million questions about where you are and how much longer it will take to reach the destination...In spite of this evolved experience, this trip that has morphed into a totally different journey from what it once was, somehow is so much more fun. Adventuring with your little people, no matter how many more toilet stops there are along the way... Let's be honest, it isn't easy to be spontaneous with kids...and a dog...and home-stays who you cook for BUT it is possible and we totally nailed i

How to rock school holidays without breaking the bank!

School holidays are nearly done and with the end of the crazy two weeks comes the bittersweet taste of freedom and longing for your house full of little people 24/7 again!! There are very few things that satisfy in life as much as getting through a day (an enjoyable day at that) where you've spent good, quality time with your kids. Without distractions and trying to 'fit them' into our lives and around our schedules, but making them the main event and hanging out as though we have nothing in the world more important than just being with them. As wonderful and fulfilling as that sounds, this is not a realistic scenario for everyday. We cannot simply ignore the washing piles mounting up around the house as we lie on the floor and build forts with our kids, more than a day or so. We cannot skip cooking and ditch the kitchen for building sandcastles on the beach every day (although how good would that be)! But we can, we must, make time to push pause on all the things we have

Creating a culture that breeds success (one dish at a time...)

So if your house is like mine, school holidays have descended upon you in full force. The weight of the task of constantly having all your little people around you when you would usually have a quiet moment to throw dinner together or clean the house, is now bearing heavy on your shoulders. As much as you feel the strain some days in some moments, other moments are fun and careless as the everyday routine is thrown out the window and exchanged for a looser schedule of fun and freedom. It is a miracle I have gotten a Blog post up this week and for this I will reward myself with chocolate. Daylight savings doesn't help much either with kids wide awake way past their bedtime cutting into the little bit of 'quiet time'' I usually utilise to allow my mushy brain to function at adult-level capacity. The rest of the week's 'unproductiveness' aside, right now I have my 8 year old reading on a chair next to me while I type and my 5 year old on the lounge floor c