
Showing posts from December, 2018

Goodbye 2018...

Well, this is less than an ideal time for reflection combining the Christmas pack-down which is always sad to me in some sentimental way, and me being super sick over the past 3 days with a throat infection... but here I sit, after sleeping for more hours (or day's rather) than I'd like to count, realising that we are now days away from New Year's Eve! Yikes! It is funny how the our lives are broken up into year's. This long, or not so long allotted time to us, and we get to take a breather every 365 days, reflect and reset and essentially, try again. Here are the things I am most grateful for the grace to have done this year: 1. I started a new job teaching Media Studies and totally loved it and finished the year! 2. I wrote a couple of kids books that are being illustrated (my goal at the end of last year was to write a book, I had in mind another kind but reflecting now, I did accomplish this goal, just differently to how I pictured in the beginning). 3. I