To Halloween...or not?
Ok, before you start reading with defences as high as your garden fence, relax! This is not going to be a judgemental rant against people who practise something I don't agree with. I just thought this is worth posting about, worth a thought and a discussion seeing it's that time of year again! The time of year when that very Americanised holiday creeps into stores and advertising and bombards us with scary, spooky imagery that provokes conversations with little people who follow us around the shops. I am a huge believer that we all need to do our homework and make our own choices. Sheep mentality, blindly following something you've been told is just sloppy decision making. And there's nothing like forcing you to look into WHY you believe something, like having little people who ask WHY ALL.THE.TIME... and who aren't satisfied with generic, surface answers. I have heard all the pro-arguements and point of views for why Halloween is harmless and even beneficia...