
Showing posts from April, 2018

Messy Church

I often drive past a sign near my house, it advertises Messy Church. Splattered with paint and and decorated with paintbrushes, it is obviously advertising an arty kind of session at this particular church, for kids. I like that name. Messy church. At some point in time, for some reason, we accept the that church is a place where you only really have a place if your life fits the picture-perfect ideal we all strive to have. It's a place where marriages are strong, kids grow up and follow in the way they SHOULD go and don't stray from it, it's a place where no matter what goes on in our world, we have it all together. Because we have God. The problem with this underlying belief is that when trials and testing come, when the marriage isn't working, when the kids play up, when the devil throws hell and it's army at us, so many feel the pressure is too great to stand in church and worship, to stand in church and believe for our family or o

Turning the tables

Happy Easter!  Lately God has been taking me on a journey where some of my previous blog posts have come back to haunt me...I mean 'remind' me of what I've learnt along the way. One's about being a victim...I've been reminded how with God and His processes (that involve what life throws at us, the decisions we make and also the decisions others make that we have no control over). I think the devil must delight most in self pity, in those times when we feel so sorry for ourselves that we do his job for him and lock ourselves out of ever seeing breakthrough because we're so busy wallowing in the situation we find our lovely selves in. Bottom line, there are no victims in the Kingdom. No one is at the mercy of a natural situation. Everyone has the DNA of an overcomer inside of us to rise above. What if every trial, every situation, every crisis, every storm, was viewed with an internal motivation to suck that experience dry of any learning and self dis